Furnace Repair and Maintenance

Furnace Repair Maintenance Services in Winston-Salem, NC

At Blaze Heating Cooling Electrical and Plumbing we want you to continue to enjoy a safe and comfortable residence or building, which is why we offer our furnace repair and maintenance services to all of our valued customers throughout Winston-Salem and the surrounding communities. Making sure to schedule regular furnace inspections and tune-ups will extend the life of our unit.

If any repairs need to be performed on your furnace, it is important to see that this happens sooner than later. Putting off furnace repair in Winston-Salem will exacerbate your problem and could result in premature system failure. We encourage our customers to contact our knowledgeable professionals right away upon noticing any issues with your unit.

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How Do You Maintain Your Furnace?

Scheduling regular furnace service in Winston-Salem from the trusted staff at Blaze Heating Cooling Electrical and Plumbing will keep your unit operating at peak performance. We suggest a maintenance inspection at least once a year before the cold weather arrives in order to ensure optimum efficiency. Our heating specialist will examine your furnace chamber for any issues, clean your burners, check your gas meter, and inspect and lubricate your blower.

If we do see any minor problems they be promptly resolved so you do not have to deal with more serious complications later on. Furnace filters should typically be replaced every three months so your system does not malfunction. Homeowners who have dogs or cats should have their filters replaced more often.

What Are Some Signs That Your Unit Needs Repairs?

  • Short cycling: If your furnace keeps shutting off for no apparent reason it typically indicates one of two things, a malfunctioning heat exchanger or thermostat issues.
  • Uneven flames: The burners on your furnace should have rows of even flames, if for some reason they are leaning then it is important to have your system inspected right away. The burners could simply be dirty or you may be facing a more serious issue like a cracked heat exchanger.
  • Unusual sounds: If you hear strange noises coming from your furnace it is time to get in touch with the professionals at Blaze Heating Cooling Electrical and Plumbing in order for us to determine what is causing the problem and make the necessary repairs.

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What Are Some Simple Ways to Make Your System More Energy Efficient?

To make sure that your energy costs remain low when your furnace in Winston-Salem is in high demand, see that your home or building is properly insulated. Insulation helps to keep warm air from escaping your property and blocks the harsh outdoor temperatures. On sunny winter days you can even open your drapes and turn your system down a few degrees.

Installing a programmable thermostat will help immensely. Programmable thermostats offer maximum indoor climate control, as property owners can set different temperatures at various points throughout the day. Routine furnace maintenance in Winston-Salem and regular filter changes will also help to ensure the continued efficiency of your furnace.