What’s Causing Those Ghastly HVAC System Odors?

At the first sign of cold weather, it is pretty common to turn the heater on and smell something burning. Usually, it is because it has sat unused for about a year and is dusty. This smell goes away quickly and can be explained away easily.

However, it is a different story when your HVAC unit always smells. Chances are if it’s been like that for a while, you don’t even notice it anymore. Pay attention to people’s faces when they walk in your home.

They will usually make a slight face when they smell something odd. If you can’t tell by their reactions, ask a child–they’re always brutally honest. Once you have an answer, it is time to solve the problem by calling us for HVAC services.

Rotten Eggs Means Leave

“gassmell”If your home smells like rotten eggs, you and your family need to leave immediately.

This could mean that there is a natural gas leak in or around your home and needs to be inspected by a professional.

When leaving, be sure not to flip any switches or light matches because the smallest spark can start a fire. Leaving your home is also important for your health as breathing in natural gas has a host of physical ailments associated with it.

To Grandma’s House We Go

“oldsmell”We love grandma and spending time at her house. Her house might smell a bit musty because it is older and has a lifetime of stories.

However, your home should not smell musty. If it does, it could be a sign of mildew growing on the condenser coil. Left unattended, this mold can spread throughout your ductwork and of course the rest of your home.

Mold remediation is expensive, and the easiest way to avoid it is to have your HVAC unit serviced by a professional once or twice a year. Doing so means we can also spot any potential problems that you should be aware of.

Burning Bright

“burntsmell”As mentioned, it’s possible that when you turn your heater on for the first time in a long time that it can smell like its burning.

This is simply because of the dust that has accumulated. When you start to notice a burnt smell in the middle of winter, this could be due to two things:

A fire in your home that the HVAC unit is recirculating the air from or, more likely, a component in your unit is overheating. Of course, double check to ensure that there is no fire. After that has been confirmed, turn your HVAC unit off.

Running it when something is overheating or possibly broken can further the problem and add expense to your electricity bill. The three common problems found when you smell something burning from your HVAC includes an overheating motor, a bad capacitor, or a problem with the electrical wiring.

Regardless of what the bad smell is, it tells you that there is a problem. Like most other issues, the longer you wait to call, the more it’ll cost to repair. So, don’t wait, call us today to help your home smell fresh and new!