Complete Guide to Replacing or Repairing Your HVAC System

Almost always, it is good advice to try to repair things in your home to get your dollars to stretch further. However, there are circumstances where repairing something is really wasting your money, because the problem is too severe or because the system or appliance is nearing the end of its lifespan.

This is certainly true with your HVAC system. The question is, how do you know when the right path is to repair or replace the HVAC? There are some common warning signs, which our Winston-Salem, NC team has assembled for you.

Replace Air Conditioner?

“airconditionerf”Have you noticed your energy bills creeping up and you are not sure why? Are there foul odors wafting from your air conditioner? Have you noticed leaking or corrosion? Are there loud noises that are concerning?

All of these could be indications that very costly repairs are probable, and it makes more sense just to replace it.

Another indicator is age. If your air conditioner is more than about 12-15 years old, it is getting very close to the end of its life cycle, so sinking money in repairs may be wasteful.

Air Filter Problems

As your HVAC ages, the air filter and ducts get less useful in removing contaminants from the air. In fact, they push things like pollen, dander and other impurities back into circulation. If you notice an increase in dust or that allergy symptoms get worse for your family members, this could be the problem, and you should replace your HVAC soon.

Unreliable Thermostat?

“thermostatf”Do you have problems with inconsistent heating or cooling, regardless of what the thermostat is set to? When you see temperature inconsistencies, it could possibly be a malfunctioning thermostat, which can be repaired.

However, this is usually the indication that your system isn’t able to work hard enough to cool or heat your home evenly. This is either because some (or many) of your HVAC’s components are broken. It is also possible that your HVAC isn’t the right size to heat or cool your home properly. It’s not one size fits all. This is also a good time to replace.

As a general guideline, if replacing your HVAC means energy efficient upgrades or if repairs are going to cost you 50 percent or more of the price of a new system, it makes far more sense just to get a new one.