This Year’s Fall Checklist: Info That You Can Use


Homeowners- fall is upon us in Winston-Salem, NC, which means that there is no time like the present to get busy with your fall home maintenance checklist.

It’s well worth it to roll up your sleeves during the fall to protect your home from some of the harsh conditions that winter can bring.

These small tasks are easy, generally quick to do and go for in helping to protect your home investment. Ready to start? Here is what we suggest:

Indoor Tasks to Take Care of

If you’ve got a fireplace, take a peek up the chimney and look for cracks or animal nests. If there is a lot of soot, you may want to call in the chimney sweep.

Double check that the flue will shut properly, as this can be a big problem spot for heat loss during the winter. For those homeowners with gas fireplaces, ensure that the pilot light is on.

Head on up to the attic and make sure that the insulation is properly installed against the walls. Push it back in place with a broom if it has shifted.

Test your fire and carbon monoxide alarms; make sure that you’ve got a working fire extinguisher within reach on every floor. Do a deep clean before you close up the windows for the winter.

Remove and launder all window coverings. Pull out appliances and clean underneath. For appliances with water connections (i.e. washing machine, dishwasher, and ice maker on the fridge) make sure that the hoses are in good condition.

Outdoor Tasks to Take Care of

Start with your lawn and garden. Rake up leaves; Trim any bushes or tree branches that are close to your home.

Wrap up bushes and hedges to protect them against the winter weather. Empty your lawn mower and store away in your garage.

Clean your gutters thoroughly from debris, and leafs. If you see any loose tiles on your roof, get them repaired. Look for cracks in your walkway or foundation. Seal them in, because that is where critters love to make their homes over the winter. This is a good reason to reseal your driveway as well.

Call in the Pros

One of the most important calls that you will make this fall is to schedule your seasonal heating tune-up. It’s a small investment that will improve your system’s operational efficiency as well as extend its lifespan.

Both of these will reduce your overall homeowner costs. During a tune-up, you can expect the technician to clean and inspect all the major components of your system. This will alert you to any potential problems, giving you a chance to fix them before the cold of winter really sets in.