Take the Time to Go Green this Earth Day

natural-cooling_480Be an important part of Earth Day by taking the time to find ways to reduce energy consumption naturally. If you will be helping the natural landscape by planting a tree, why not assess your home landscape and help cool your home with natural shade.

Not only do trees and shrubs block and insulate the ultraviolet rays from the sun that warm your home, but this natural insulation will make your air conditioner work less, and the end result is a lower energy bill.

Close Chimney Flue When You’re Not Using It

While you’re shading your home, close your chimney chimney-flue_480flue when not using your fireplace. Sometimes with warmer temperatures, we tend to shut off our furnace but still heat our home with our fireplaces.

Wind and outside temperatures affect how our inside temperature is distributed, so be sure to close it when not in use.

Switch to LED bulbs and Energy Saving HVAC Products

Switching to LED bulbs is one way to help this Earth Day. Estimates place a savings in the U.S. of $250 billion over the next two decades, while reducing electricity consumption by 50 percent.

These statistics alone are a good reason to replace your incandescent lighting. There are many, many more HVAC energy saving promotions in your local Winston-Salem area, so take the time to go green this Earth Day on April 22.

Adjust Your Thermostat

adjust-the-thermostat_480Adjusting your thermostat is a green-friendly option now with a wireless programmable thermostat. An intelligent thermostat gives you control while maximizing efficiency and comfort.

Completely programmable from your smartphone or mobile device, there is software for typical homeowners, and it utilizes energy saving techniques by connecting to your thermostat with remote or external sensors. A simple configuration will help you achieve unprecedented energy efficiency for your home.

Switch to Solar Powered Appliances

If you aren’t ready to go totally solar, what about a smaller solar module? These modules will capture energy from the sun and power it directly to your furnace and air conditioner, and you will see a substantial decrease in your heating and cooling energy bills.

This is a simple way to go solar without the full roof panel solar system. Innovative technology of the module also uses the energy left over to power smaller appliances and electronics in your home. Find out more this Earth Day about solar power in your home.

To learn more about going green, contact Blaze Air in the Winston-Salem, NC area at (336)-788-3322.