Ways to Cool Down your Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is a great excuse to spend some time giving your home some TLC so that it will not be too hot when the warm weather arrives with Spring. This Valentine’s Day, follow these tips to ensure that your home is a cool sanctuary where love will not wilt.

1. Show Your Unit Some Love

ac_loveWhen the hot weather arrives, you want your AC unit working at 100 percent to keep you cool. Valentine’s Day is a good time to have your AC unit inspected by a professional AC service company.

Our service techs will check out your AC unit from top to bottom to make sure that all of its parts are in good condition. This will ensure that you don’t have to worry about your air conditioner breaking down in the middle of the summer.

2. Give Your AC Unit a Break

These days, it is the responsibility of all of us to try and limit our energy consumption as much as possible to lower our carbon footprints. You do not have to keep your AC unit running 24 hours a day to keep cool when the weather warms up.

Think about alternative ways to cool off your house. For example, there are many times when you can simply open up your windows to get a cooling breeze moving through your house to keep your comfortable. You should also think about adding fans to your home to help keep the air moving. There are many times where you can simply turn a fan on to cool a single room off instead of turning on the AC to cool off the entire house.

3. Love Is in the Air

Many people only think about how insulation helps to keep their home warm in the winter. In fact, insulation helps to keep your home comfortable all the time. In the summer, the insulation keeps your cool air inside the home and the hot air outside. This time of year is a good time to inspect your insulation and make sure your home has enough.

loveisintheair-copyAs well as keeping your house properly insulated, you also want to make sure you keep all the doors and windows closed when you are running your air conditioner. You don’t want to waste climate-controlled air by letting cool air flow out the window.

Also, you should think about raising the temperature of your home a few degrees in the summer. As long as you are still comfortable, raising the temperature setting on your thermostat will lower your energy costs and shrink your carbon footprint.

When you want to make sure your air conditioner is working right, turn to Blaze Air in Winston-Salem, NC. We are here to service all your Cooling needs. Call us at company (336) 788-3322, and our topnotch Air Conditioning service techs will inspect your system this Valentine’s Day to make sure that your home is ready to handle the summer heat.