What Temperature Do Experts Recommend for Your Home in Winter?

Did you know that there’s an ideal temperature for your house depending on the weather outside? Wintertime can make it difficult to find a comfortable climate control setting for your house, especially if you’re also looking to save money on energy costs.

But depending on whether the outdoor temperature is above or below 55 F, there are two sweet spots on your thermostat that you should use to control your furnace and air conditioner during the winter months. Not only will you be more comfortable inside, but you’ll also see savings on your energy bills.

Saving Money on the Furnace

humidifier_staywarm_winter_360While it can be tempting to crank up the furnace when the outside temperature gets below 55 F, you’ll save more money and keep a more even climate inside if you set the furnace to 68 F.

This will keep the house warm enough to keep you and your family comfortable, but will also prevent the furnace from running non-stop. And if you do start to feel a slight chill in the house, you can:

  • Run a humidifier to feel warmer
  • Keep the humidity level in the house between 30 and 50 percent
  • Winterize your house with draft guards and caulk
  • Put on heavier clothes or an extra layer

Saving Money on Air Conditioning

One of the most important things you can do to get your house ready for the winter is to turn your air conditioner to 76 F, especially when the temperature outside starts to creep above 55 F. You don’t need the air conditioner coming on in winter, even if the house does start to warm up a little beyond what’s comfortable. Running the AC in winter is a waste of money, is resource-heavy, and it’s unnecessary.

If the air inside starts to get a little hot when the outside temperature is above 55 F, try turning off your air conditioner completely and opening the windows instead. To maximize ventilation and get the best cooling effect, create a cross-breeze in the house by opening windows on opposite sides of a room.

Promoting Better Sleep

how_old_is_your_thermostat-jpg_360No matter what the weather is doing outside, you should always turn down your thermostat to 62 F at night in the winter.

Sleeping in cooler temperatures is better for your body, and you can save loads of money by turning down the furnace on winter nights. And just in case you needed more reasons to lower the temperature at night before bed, consider that cooler temperatures will help you:

  • Fall asleep faster
  • Get better REM sleep and feel more rested in the morning
  • Sleep longer and wake less in the night
  • Get a better, deeper sleep

Everybody loves the prospect of saving money, getting a better sleep, and being more comfortable in their homes. And if you use these ideal temperature settings to control your furnace and air conditioner this season, you too can reap all the benefits of finding the thermostat sweet spots for your climate control.

For more tips and tricks for energy savings and comfort this winter, call the experts at Blaze Air today at 336-788-3322.