Ways to Save on Heating Costs in Fall and Winter

Just because the colder weather has arrived doesn’t necessarily mean that your heating bills have to go through the roof. Making your home more energy efficient (and cost friendly) is an easy job that even the most reluctant DIY person can do. What’s more is that these easy steps add up to save you cash.

Stop Door Drafts

If you’ve got drafts around your exterior doors, you’ve got to seal those gaps up. Magnetic weatherstripping is efficient and easy to install. You can also pull the door off completely and re-insulate the frame. Another idea is to raise the threshold with a flexible material, so it meets the door frame flush on.

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Catch Some Rays

Want to raise the temperature in a room without adjusting the thermostat? Only leave the curtains open. Even though it’s cold outside now, the sun still is scorching- and will transfer much of that heat right into your room.

Stop Chimney Drafts

Do you love gathering the family to enjoy the warmth and each other’s company around the fireplace, but don’t love the way the hot air escapes from the room out your chimney? Remember to shut the damper tightly when you are done with the fire.

Another tool that you can use is a chimney pillow. When inserted properly, it will serve as an excellent barrier in your chimney, keeping hot air in your home, and cold air outside where it belongs!

Make the Ceiling Fan Work for You

In the fall and winter, change your ceiling fan to the reverse (clockwise) direction. Hot air naturally rises so that it will be drawn towards the ceiling. The movement of the blades of the fan will take that hot air and redirect it back down into the room. Your furnace doesn’t have to work as hard, which saves you money.

Call in the Professionals

You want your furnace to do the best possible, most efficient job for you, right? To do so, you need to make sure that it is working properly. Having it cleaned and inspected is a step in the right direction. Your technician can also look at the ductwork around your unit to make sure that it is airtight.

Window Film

The greatest threat to heat loss is likely your windows, so every little extra bit of insulation will help. Consider layered or insulated curtains as a first step. One high energy efficient tool is to apply window film directly to the window itself. You can tape it on the frame and then use the heat of a hair dryer to fit it directly.

Find these tips useful? Blaze Air in Winston-Salem, NC have more to share. Call us today at (336)-788-3322 for more information.