7 Potential HVAC Mistakes to Avoid This Fall

There are a few of your home’s structures and components that you should do a little preventative maintenance on this time of year. Your HVAC system is one of those. Engaging in these simple actions means avoiding common and costly homeowner mistakes. You can prolong your HVAC’s life and save yourself some money on energy bills along the way.


1 – Regulate the Humidity

You may have turned the water supply off to the humidifier during the summer, but you’ll probably want that up and running again when the cooler weather arrives, so turn the water back on. Replace the humidifier wick, and set the humidity where you’d like it (probably about 40 percent).

2 – Regulate the Temperature

One common mistake is to leave the thermostat where it is year-round. Truthfully, the weather outside will play a significant role in how hard your HVAC has to work to achieve that temperature inside. Help your system out and turn the thermostat down a couple of degrees. It can make a big difference.

3 – The Vent Situation

One common trick to maximizing your hot air return is to close vents in rooms that you aren’t using. One word of caution, though, don’t close too many vents. You’ll have the opposite effect. Similarly, make sure that there isn’t carpeting, furniture or anything else blocking airflow from your vents.

4 – Change your Filter

Make it a habit of changing your air filter monthly. If this is a habit that you have yet to embrace, now is the time. The air filter acts as a catch-all for allergens and debris that filter through your HVAC. Not only does a dirty filter mean that your system has to work harder (and cost you more money) it negatively impacts your air quality in your home, which is a factor if you or your family has allergies or asthma.

5 – Clear Condenser Clutter

Your condenser needs enough space to do its job, and if you’ve got clutter blocking its airflow, you might have a problem brewing. Don’t plant trees or shrubs around it.

6 – Get your Ducts in a Row

It’s also a good time of year to inspect your ductwork. Airtight ducts are necessary to get that hot air delivered most efficiently throughout your home. It’s also not a bad plan to have your ducts cleaned at this point too. Like with your air filters, excess debris can hamper airflow and heating efficiency.

7 – Visual Inspection

You may not be a trained professional, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t spot a problem if you see one. Look for rust, pooling water or other signs of trouble on or around your unit. Weird noises should be investigated too, as the sign of a potential problem.

Are you looking for some advice or maybe a seasonal tune-up for your HVAC in Winston-Salem, NC? We’d be happy to help at Blaze Air. Give us a call at (336) 788-3222.