Fight the Flu Before it Spreads

Each year, approximately 200,000 people contract the flu virus. In many cases, people are infected with the flu virus from a family member in their household.

If you have the flu, your Winston-Salem home can be a breeding ground for germs that carry the flu virus. You can take actions to prevent this potentially harmful virus from spreading throughout your home. Here are 5 ways to combat the spread of the cold and flu virus in your home.

Winston-Salem, NC Sanitation-StrategiesWash Your Hands

At this moment, there are approximately 5,000 germs on your hand. These germs are spread from your hands to things you touch in your home.

It is important to wash your hands several times during the day. The greatest amount of germs on your hand can come from your pets, paper money, kitchen and bathroom.

When you wash your hands, you should always use soap and clean running water. Be sure to scrub your fingers and under your fingernails. By washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, you can stop the spread of the flu.

Control the Humidity

Low humidity in your home supports the growth of germs and bacteria. You should purchase a monitor to determine the humidity level in your home. The ideal humidity level for any home should be between 40 and 60 percent.

Purchase Germicidal UV Lights

The flu virus can be combated with germicidal UV lights. These lights have the ability to deactivate bacteria and viruses.

UV lights are great for cleaning smaller areas that are riddled with germs such as your computer keyboard and cell phone. To use a germicidal UV light, simply shine the light on areas that require cleaning. The light will kill the germs.

Clean Your Linen

Your soiled linen should be washed frequently because the flu virus can live on them for several hours. Always use detergents and hot water to clean your linens. Dry them on a high setting in your dryer.

Purchase an Air Purifier

If your windows are frequently closed, your Winston-Salem home probably has dry stagnant air. An air purifier can circulate and disinfect the air in your home.

To learn more about ways to combat the spread of flu in your Winston-Salem home, contact Blaze Air at (336) 788-3222.