Smelling a Foul Odor Lately?

Should I Panic Or Not?

Those who have a furnace in their home expect to turn it on and have warm heat flowing through their Winston-Salem home. If a furnace is turned on and a burning smell comes from it, then the first thing a person may do is panic and maybe even turn off the furnace.

Winston-Salem, NC Furnace-Repair-ServicesIt might be a good idea to turn off the furnace, but it’s best to determine where the smell is coming from first.

A furnace is based on heat, so it’s possible that the heat is causing something inside the furnace or around it to burn, which is then sending off the smell. Take some time to determine what the source of the smell is before deciding to do anything else.

The Possible Causes

1. There is a combustion chamber that’s in a furnace, and dust can easily overrun this area. Imagine if you had to leave your Winston-Salem home for six months, and then you have to come back and dust everything in your home, think about all the dust that would accumulate.

This is the same kind of thing that can happen to a combustion chamber, and the dust needs to be cleaned before the furnace is turned back after a long hiatus.

2. Another thing that people don’t really think about is their dirty filter. A filter is needed for a furnace to help collect any kind of dust or particles in the air, and the clean air is then sent throughout the house.

If the filter is too dirty, then turning on the furnace with a dirty air filter will not allow it to have the proper amount of airflow, and it’s possible that the filter may catch fire, which then will have a burning smell, and this can also be a fire hazard for the home.

3. Make sure to clear a filter of any kind of debris, especially if it’s something that can melt or burn because this can also be the source of a burning smell coming from the furnace.

What If I Don’t Know The Cause?

You can easily check out your furnace to see if the source of the burning smell is something that you can readily see, but not everything can be seen with the naked eye. If you continue getting a burning smell through your home, then it’s best to call a professional to check on the unit.

Is your furnace in smelling up your Winston-Salem, NC home? Call Blaze Air today at (336) 788-3222, and get that foul odor out of your home.