Stay Top of Mind on Airborne Viruses in Your Home

What Illnesses Are In The Air?

Winston-Salem, NC Flu Season TipsMeasles, chicken pox, cold, flu, and even tuberculosis are illnesses that are transmitted through the air. Those who have watched scary movies that show a person in a different room catching a disease from someone who is in isolation may understand a little bit about how airborne diseases are contracted.

Airborne illnesses will float through the air, and they can easily float around if someone sneezes and has an illness.

Someone who sneezes can spray up to 15 feet away, so anyone that’s in the path of that sneeze can possibly be exposed to the person’s illness.

Another way that a person can contract illnesses is by a person coughing or sneezing, and then the germs go into the air.

If there is an HVAC unit within the home, then this means that germs will easily go into the unit, but how well the HVAC unit is cared for will determine if the illnesses will pass on to others.

How Can I Make My HVAC Unit Effective Against Airborne Illnesses?

If an HVAC unit is well cared for, then it’s possible to keep others in the Winston-Salem home from catching a disease or illness that someone else in the home has.

If a person is secluded in their room until they get over something like the cold or the flu, then there should be no reason for a person in another room to catch the disease, right?

Wrong! Two people in separate parts of the Winston-Salem home can spread disease just by the fact that the HVAC unit is circulating air through the home as well as the germs. If an HVAC unit gets its filter changed regularly, then there is nearly a 100% likeliness that it will catch any germs or airborne pathogens that can cause illnesses.

Also, make sure to clean the ducts as often as possible to ensure that any germs that go in the air don’t attach itself to the dust particles and flow throughout the house.

What Else Does My HVAC Unit Need?

An HVAC unit will need a professional to come and maintain it every year. The professional can oil, clean, fix, and maintain the unit completely, and they can even help to test the air quality in your home.

If there is standing water in an air conditioner or humidifier, then a professional can point this out as well as getting rid of it to avoid any mold problems.

Keep your Winston-Salem, NC home free from germs of the flu season. Call Blaze Air today at (336) 788-3222, to get tips on how to keep your home flu free.