Protect Your Home this Winter with These Tips

With winter around the corner in the Winston-Salem area, now’s the time to implement different winterization methods to the house as a way to save on heating and electric costs. Here are five things that one can do to increase the efficiency of one’s heating system, while saving money.

Winston-Salem, NC Winterization Tip Services1. Replace HVAC Filters

HVAC filters tend to collect dirt and become clogged overtime, so replacing them periodically is a must.

Not only does replacing the HVAC filter in your Winston-Salem home improve health conditions, but it saves cost on heating bills by allowing air to circulate much easier.

Ideally, one should replace these filters every month or so, especially during heavy use in the winter.

2. Use Efficient Light Bulbs

Incandescent light bulbs are really a thing of the past, due to their excessive, inefficient energy output. Fluorescent bulbs, such as CFL’s, LED’s and other efficient lighting fixtures, use a fraction of the energy while producing plenty of light.

In fact, energy conservation of these fixtures, depending on the type, is estimated to be anywhere from 25 to 80 percent. Imagine how much that would save on the electric bill.

3. Seal windows and Doors

The smallest crack, hole or crevice in a house can leak tons of warm air outside, significantly decreasing the efficiency of one’s heating system.

Seal all windows, doors and other small openings with some type of caulking. Doing this will save tons of money. If one wants to take it a step further and really make a house “air tight,” they can invest in double pane windows.

4. Close Doors and Heating Vents That Are Not in Use

Extra rooms where nobody goes takes up extra heating energy, so it’s a good idea to shut all doors and vents that are not in use. One could also seal the opening under these doors to prevent heat loss even more. Another thing to consider is that heavy, thick doors work much better as insulation.

5. Reverse the Ceiling Fans

Reverse the ceiling fans to where they suck in air rather than blow out air. Warm air rises, while cool air sinks. Almost every thermostat is located at the lower levels of a house.

By the fan sucking up cool air and blowing down warm air, the thermostat will not kick on nearly as much, saving one money in heating costs.

Winter is almost upon us in the Winston-Salem, NC area. To get the best advice on winterizing your home, call Blaze Air at (336) 788-3222 today!