Get the Right Info on Your Evaporator Coil

Winston-Salem Heating ServicesIn order to cool your home, the air conditioning unit pulls the warm air from inside the home into the HVAC unit, passes the air over the cooled evaporated coils and pushes the cooled air back inside the home.

Evaporator coils circulate refrigerant in order to cool the warm, moist air that is pulled into the unit.

Common Problems with Evaporator Coils

Dust is one of the most common reasons that evaporator coils fail to cool the air pulled into the unit. Changing the air filter on a regular basis can reduce the amount of dust presented inside the cooling unit.

Dust is particularly problematic when moisture is present on the evaporator coils. Condensation causes dust particles to stick to the evaporator coils, resulting in dirty coils that can’t function properly.

Low refrigerant levels can also cause the evaporator coils to fail. It is often necessary to perform a pressure test to determine whether the unit has the appropriate amount of refrigerant. One sign that the refrigerant levels are too low is the presence of ice or frost on the evaporator coils.

Heavy, frequent use and leaks can also result in reduced refrigerant levels. A professional HVAC technician can quickly prevent, or identify and repair, the most common issues that cause evaporator coils to fail.

Regular Maintenance for Evaporator Coils

Regular maintenance can prevent many of the issues that reduce the effectiveness of your air conditioning unit. For instance, air filters should be changed monthly when the air conditioner is used frequently.

Your HVAC professional can provide you with a schedule for changing the air filter, and can provide tips on how to change the Winston-Salem Evaporator Coil Servicesfilter as needed throughout the year. The evaporator coils should be professionally cleaned at least once before the beginning of the season.

Refrigerant levels should be adjusted by an HVAC professional to ensure the system is properly filled.

Your HVAC technician also checks the system for leaks or other issues that may have caused reduced refrigerant levels, and can offer repair services whenever necessary.

With regular cleaning and maintenance, your HVAC unit can provide you with reliably cool air when the temperatures rise.

If you need any assistance with your evaporator coils on your Winston-Salem HVAC unit, Call Blaze Air Heating & Air Conditioning today at (336) 788-3322.