5 Benefits of Installing a Home Generator

Heavy storms during hurricane season bring potential disaster to all in their path. Heavy wind and rain are common causes of power outages around the Winston-Salem area, leading to unsafe household temperatures, food spoilage, and safety risks. 


But one saving grace is a home generator. In addition to flashlights, warm blankets, food, and clean drinking water, a home generator is perhaps the most valuable item you can have on hand during hurricane season. Below are a few reasons why. 


1. Deter crime 

Many criminals see power outages as an opportunity to commit burglaries and thefts. The neighborhood has few lights, cell phone batteries may have died, and residents may have evacuated the area. 


A home generator can address these issues, and signs of activity may deter potential trespassers looking for an easy target.. 


2. Protect Your Food Supplies

Food can spoil after four hours without a working refrigerator. And if heavy rains make roads or cars unusable, you may be faced with limited food sources for several days. And there is also the risk of illness caused by eating food that has spoiled. A home generator keeps your refrigerator running to preserve the freshness of your food supplies.  


3. Comfort 

Hot water, lights, warm/cool air, computers, and other devices are all daily luxuries we take for granted. But when the power goes out due to natural disasters, rolling blackouts, or faulty equipment, a stressful situation can feel even worse without our comfort devices. Having a home generator will provide comfort and safety for the whole family.


4. Safety

Not having lights on in your house increases the risk of falls and other home accidents, especially if there has been damage from the storm. Using a home generator to keep the lights on removes this added risk of injury. Families with children or the elderly must keep their homes adequately heated or cooled to avoid unsafe temperatures for you and your family.


5. Reduce the risk of water damage

Sump pumps rely on electricity to work and may become overwhelmed after heavy rainfall and a loss of power. A home generator also supplies power for shop vacs, dehumidifiers, and other devices to remove excess moisture after a storm. 


Get Your Home Generator Today

Blaze Air provides home generator installation in Winston-Salem, Greensboro, and Kernersville. Our expert generator installers can also provide maintenance and repairs on your existing generator. And, we offer generous financing to ensure you won’t get left out in the storm.

Contact us for a home generator near Winston-Salem so you can weather the storm during the next hurricane season.