Happy HVAC Technician Day!

June 22nd can only mean one thing – it’s HVAC Technician Day! We know how hard you work to keep things cool, and we’d like to extend our sincerest thanks to the best HVAC techs we know! All of our technicians deserve to be recognized for the amazing jobs that they perform. We appreciate everything you do on this day and every day! What a great team we have.

Seeking Talented HVAC Technicians

Not all HVAC technicians are the same, but at the very least they should have the right qualifications. We only work with the best contractors that are licensed and certified to work in the homes of our customers. Another important qualification is a willingness to learn. The HVAC industry is always changing, which means that technicians need to be open to learning and testing new methods to provide our customers with the very best care.

As long as you follow the golden rule, and treat customers the way you’d want to be treated, you’ll have a successful career with many happy families and customers to show for it.

What a Difference HVAC Technicians Make!

Have you ever thought about what life was like before air conditioning? It wasn’t that long ago that HVAC wasn’t standard in homes, schools, and businesses and living conditions were very different; the 1960s is when AC truly took off in the capacity that we know it in today. People would often take care of chores and errands during the cooler early morning or under the shade of night while opting to rest up or nap during the heat of the afternoon.

Have you heard of the term “Summer Blockbuster?”

This term comes from the practice of people crowding into cool and dark movie theatres to escape the sweltering outdoor heat. Movie theatres were often air-conditioned with giant commercial air conditioning units to keep the space cool, and would monetize the influx of summer crowds by showing big name movies! Ice cream vendors and soda fountains were also especially lucrative businesses during the heat of the day as most cooking and baking was saved for the cooler evening hours.

A Day in the Life of an HVAC Technician

One of the most important jobs we know of is that of an HVAC technician; they make sure heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems are running smoothly and effectively. The responsibilities of an experienced HVAC technician are vital:

  • Installing HVAC equipment correctly
  • Ensuring all government rules and regulations are followed
  • Changing filters, refilling necessary refrigerants, and cleaning ducts to make sure HVAC equipment is operating smoothly
  • Performing testing on electrical circuits and ensuring continuity
  • Testing and determining if the equipment is defective and whether it needs repair or replacement
  • Installing and adjusting new thermostats
  • Ensuring that HVAC equipment is properly connected to water, refrigerant sources, and fuel

Do you have an experienced technician that comes to mind and that you’d like to recommend for our company? We’d really like to speak with any HVAC technicians you think might be a good fit! Ask them to contact us to discuss a potential career with Blaze Air.

Again, we’d like to thank you for the essential job you perform as an important member of our company. We hope you have an amazing HVAC Technician Day!