Honoring Memorial Day

Memorial Day is almost here and with it the unofficial start to the summer. As we start to dust off our grills, lawn furniture, and air conditioners, it is important to remember why we celebrate Memorial Day in the first place. Memorial Day is a chance for the nation to honor the courageous men who gave their lives during the Civil War.

As we enjoy the advantage of having things like AC units to keep us cool during the hot months of the summer, it is important to remember the ones who gave their life, so we could enjoy these luxuries. These brave soldiers did not have the commodities that we so often take for granted.

Air conditioners and heaters were not available to the men of that time, yet they did make the ultimate sacrifice so the future generations could have these benefits. Memorial Day is the perfect opportunity to pay homage to our fearless brothers at arms, and to remember the struggle they endured for us.

The Beginnings of Decoration Day

decorationdayDecoration Day (now known as Memorial Day) was just as it sounds. In the years following the Civil War, May 30th was the designated day to decorate the graves of the soldiers who had died. Flowers and flags would be draped across the graves and memorials to honor the valiant men.

It was also common to hear the Gettysburg Address recited on Decoration Day. Abraham Lincoln, who died before the end of the Civil War, gave this speech during the Gettysburg Pennsylvania National Cemetery dedication. The speech was to honor the men who died during that battle, but the spirit of the speech includes all of those who have given their life for our freedom.

It was in 1971 that Congress declared Decoration Day (now to be known as Memorial Day) to be a federal holiday held on the last Monday of May. Though we continue to decorate the graves of our military, we have expanded the holiday celebrations with barbeques and parades; as it marks the beginning of the summer season.

Pay Our Respect to the Armed Forces

armedforcesThough the Civil War set the stage for the many freedoms we have today, Memorial Day also honors all the men and women who gave their lives to protect our country. Our Democracy is a direct result of the many sacrifices of our armed service men and women.

On Memorial Day, we commiserate with our fellow Americans, and remember all of the brave souls who have kept us safe. Our many liberties were won by our armed forces, and we honor them on Memorial Day. It is because of them that our Democracy allows us freedom, liberty, and justice.

We Thank You Too

thankyouclientsAs the time comes to thank our nation’s heroes, at Blaze Air we also want to extend that thanks to you! The loyalty and gratitude of our customers is what drives us to provide the best service available.

Each customer we are able to help is another way we honor those who have come before us. Our sincere thanks go to you!

Due to your support, loyalty, and appreciation, we are able to be the best we can be. On this Memorial Day, we wish all of our customers a safe and happy holiday weekend!

We encourage you to take some time to remember all of the men and women who paid the ultimate price to ensure our freedom. Plant a flower, hang a flag, or simply have a moment of silence to appreciate all the many wonderful things we too often take for granted.