With us, You’ll be Biting The Dust Back

How much time every year do you spend with allergies? How much money do you spend on cleaning supplies? How much would you pay to optimize how healthy your home is? If you answered none or zero to all three of these questions, you should have a television crew following you because your life is both unique and unbelievable.

For the rest of us, dealing with dust and pollen, flaring up allergies and sore throats can be a serious hassle that marks the start of every season. Luckily you can make some changes that will help you live your best life this year, with the best air quality. With help from us here at Blaze Air, you won’t get bit, instead, you will be another one that bites the dust back.

Poor Air Quality Takes a Bite That Leaves a Mark

healthissuesBeing exposed to any amounts of pollen and dust can lead to an array of health problems. Poor air quality can cause one to experience a runny or stuffed nose, a sore throat, chest congestion, sneezing, wheezing and headaches.

Experiencing any combination of these symptoms can lead to poor sleep, elevated levels of stress, expensive medications and, perhaps worst of all, contracting the flu virus.

Through a weakened immune system left by inhaled bacteria, many people contract the flu virus each spring as the pollen and dust creeps into our homes. Before long, your home can become a hotbed for uncomfortable and sometimes unhealthy air.

Changing an Air Filter Can Make a World of Difference

airfilterIf the outlook seems bleak, don’t let this troublesome news darken your otherwise bright spring. There is plenty you can do. Probably the most important thing is changing your air filters. Every 60-90 days, check the main air filter in your HVAC system.

It will most likely be caked with dirt, grime, and hair that would’ve otherwise made its way into your lungs and onto the sterile surfaces of your home. Swapping these overtired traps with fresh and clean filters will immediately improve the air quality in your home, and you’ll notice.

In many cases, homeowners wait too long before changing an air filter. For standard homes, you can change your filter every quarter. For those looking for cleaner air or families that have pets, you may want to make that replacement more frequent.

With Clean Air, You’ll Bite The Dust Back

breatheeasyYou’ll soon feel the merits of having clean air in your home. From the unseen things like your home smelling cleaner and having to clean less (because of the reduction in dust), to the very present benefits such as how much better the air tastes and how much better you sleep.

Having clean air filters will help to reduce the severity of allergies, improve sleep and health, cause less stress on the lungs and heart and will ultimately improve your life in many other ways. If you don’t change them to help your home smell cleaner, change them for your health.

Now you know how much pollen and dust can harm our bodies and especially as spring comes near. But equipped with the knowledge of the importance and installation of common air filters, you are entirely equipped to fortify your home and stave off the vicious bite of allergens and pollen. With Blaze Air’s quality air services and your new air filters, you won’t get bit another year. But instead, will be another one that bites that dust.