Gas & Electric Heating Systems: Must Knows!

If your heating system is on its last leg or has already gone out, you may be deciding between a gas-powered and an electric-powered system.

Should this be the case, you should know that each of these units has advantages and disadvantages that can affect price and air quality.

Most companies won’t tell you these lesser-known bits of information because they only want to make the sale. However, take a minute to read through the differences of these heaters before making your decision to find out which is best for your home!

How Air Ducts Affect Each Type of System

ventYou probably have existing ductwork in your home. If you do, there is a high chance that both an electric and a gas-powered heater will work perfectly fine.

You might have heard of ductless mini-split systems. These are electric units that do not require ductwork.

Other than this, your ductwork should not affect your choice between gas- or electric-powered HVACs.

Choosing Efficiency

efficiencyA huge factor in deciding on which type of heating system is best for your home is how efficiently they cool your space. Generally, gas-powered systems do better in larger homes with open floor plans.

Electric central HVAC systems function well in smaller homes (less than 2000 feet) and can cool every room, no matter how sectioned off they are. Another thing to take into consideration is whether or not you’d like several options for the type of unit used.

Gas-powered units do not have many different types of systems whereas electrical heaters conditioners have central HVAC, ductless mini-splits, and even window units.

The Real Cost of HVAC Systems

costIf you are looking at each type of system’s price tag, gas-powered systems will cost more upfront. However, over the course of their lives, gas systems require fewer heating repairs and will usually last several more years than an electric unit.

Oppositely, electric units have a smaller retail cost, may require more repairs and won’t necessarily last as long as a gas system.

Although an electric-powered heater may require more frequent repairs, they will typically be less expensive because more HVAC companies have the tools and knowledge to work on them.

Energy Usage

Determining what your energy costs will be based on the type of heater you have will primarily have three factors:

  • usageGeographic Location: The cost of gas may be higher or lower; rising or falling temperatures will also have an effect on how much money is spent
  • Age and size of your home: How old your home is can determine how well it retains cooled or heated air. How big your home is can affect how efficiently your system works.
  • Insulation: If your home is poorly insulated, there is a chance that your energy costs will be high no matter what system you choose

The best way to ensure you choose the best HVAC system for your home is through plenty of research. If you feel as though you are not finding the information you need, give Blaze Air a call for a professional and knowledgeable opinion.

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