The Subtle Art of Heating a Home

As long as your heating system works do you ever give it a second thought? While most homes have standard heating systems like furnaces and heaters, there are plenty of other systems that can provide you with quality heating services using alternate sources of power.

As you make upgrades and improvements to your home, you could always consider upgrading to one of these to keep your family and your home warm and toasty – particularly when those winter months roll around.

Harness The Power of The Sun With Solar Heating

Solar panels are all the rage – with their low carbon footprint and cost-effective operation. Like any solar powered system, these work with a solar panel that’s installed in a high-sun area.

These panels collect the heat and then use it to continually heat water – this hot water is then used to power your appliances and also in conjunction with radiant-type heating systems. As opposed to traditional heating systems that pump hot air into your home, these systems do it through the floor for an even and comfortable heating solution.

Heat From The Earth With Geothermal Heating

Most people know that just a bit under the ground temperatures change significantly. Whether you need it to get colder or hotter, you can get both extremes underground – and that’s exactly what geothermal heating systems do.

In the cold weather season, they send that cold water deep into the ground to gather heat. That hot water is then compressed into your heat exchanger that converts it into warm air that can heat your entire home.

How About Oil Powered Heating?

We can use oil for just about everything including powering our cars and machines – so why not heating? An oil-powered heating system works by using oil as fuel for the heating system. It travels from a holding tank and mixes with air, which is then ignited to heat your air. These systems often come in two forms including:

  • Hot Water Systems, which use boiler systems to heat and distribute air throughout your home.
  • Steam systems, which generally heat your home from the baseboards using radiant heating.

Both systems have their pros and cons, so you should always consult with your heating service provider to determine what’s best for your home.

Energy Savings With Gas Heating Systems

If your home is already equipped for natural gas – for appliances like your range and clothes dryer – then you can easily use those same gas lines for your heating system as well.

Natural gas heating works with appliances like furnaces and heat pumps, and can easily provide your home with consistent and cost-effective heating. These work with a combustion chamber that essentially ignites the gas to heat the air inside your home.

Electrical Heating Systems Still Get The Job Done

Finally, the most common heating system is still the electrical heating system. These are the standard appliances you find in most homes and work by using a heating element to heat the air before it distributes through your home. While they may not be as cost effective as gas powered systems, they can be a bit safer because of their dependence on electricity.

The Importance of Professional Services

While you may have plenty of options for what heating system you want in your home, the one constant is the need for professional services. For homeowners in and around the Winston-Salem area, Blaze Air is your go-to heating service provider. Their experts can help you choose the best system for your needs and have it installed conveniently before the winter season.