The Importance of Keeping Up with HVAC Maintenance

When you don’t keep your HVAC systems well maintained, you could be setting yourself up to deal with the consequences. What kind of consequences? Substantially higher utility bills, health issues caused by dust, and a shorter life expectancy for your heating or cooling system are some of the problems you’ll have to face if you don’t keep your HVAC systems maintained.

Is Your Unmanaged AC or Home Heating System Causing Your Bill to Increase?

“paymore”Having your AC unit or home heater inspected and tuned-up at least every 6 to 12 months can significantly lower your energy costs.

This is because when your HVAC systems are dirty or have loose fittings and clogged filters, they just don’t run as efficiently as they could be.

Most maintenance tune-ups include coil cleaning, which can lower your home energy bill by up to 30%! If you allow your systems to go for years without cleaning the coils, they may eventually stop being able to cool or heat your entire home!

It is possible that your bill would still be rising, but your home isn’t even feeling the benefits of your central air conditioning or heater. It is also wise to have your duct system inspected and cleaned about every 3 years, to ensure you are not surprised by any hidden issues there that may require costly repairs.

Is Your Air Quality Suffering Because of Your Unmanaged Heating or Cooling System?

“dustproblems”Another consequence of not keeping your HVAC systems well-maintained is that you could experience more dust and other pollutants in your home’s air.

When your AC unit or heater has been running for extended periods of time, and the filters have not been changed in over three months, they can become clogged.

When this happens, the filters are unable to stop dust, dirt, and other debris from getting into your home. Because most heating and AC systems work on reusing the air already in your home, this creates a cycle in which dust only accumulates and causes a more substantial problem as time goes on.

It’s also important to make sure your ducts and vents are clean, as dust can settle in your air ducts over the years, and blow out of your vents when your unit starts up. Health issues associated with dust include asthma, allergies, skin and eye irritation, and a host of respiratory or cardiovascular issues.

How Can Purchasing a Maintenance Membership Help You?

“maintenanceprogram”If you have a hard time remembering to schedule your HVAC maintenance, why not consider a membership plan?

Just about every HVAC company you’ll find offers annual memberships that include 2 tune-ups per year- including coil cleaning and filter replacement- as well as other benefits related to your HVAC systems.

While plans vary from company to company, most maintenance plans offer

  • Discounted rates on other services
  • Priority scheduling
  • Extended warranties on parts and labor
  • Free diagnostics
  • And more!

Call your local HVAC contractor to find about their maintenance membership program.