Sleep Better with these HVAC Hacks

For some people in Winston-Salem, NC, falling asleep is no easy task. Temperatures in this region fluctuate throughout the year, which can make it difficult to consistently feel comfortable at night. Luckily, there are several different ways you can change your environment to suit your needs and help promote healthy sleeping patterns.

By making a few adjustments using your home’s heating and air conditioning system, you can increase your chance of getting a good night’s sleep every day of the week. Get a load of some of these HVAC hacks designed to help you sleep better.

Cool It Down

Best TemperatureBefore falling asleep, your body cools itself down naturally in order to feel more comfortable.

You can help by decreasing the temperature in your home prior to hitting the sack. Research shows the best temperature for sleeping is between 60 and 67 degrees.

Program your thermostat to cool your home down shortly before bedtime. By the time you slip under the covers, conditions will be perfect to fall asleep right away.

Doing this can also save you a bundle of cash when it comes to heating costs during the winter season. On hot summer nights, however, using air conditioning may not be as efficient unless you have zone-control cooling. Otherwise, you may want to use fans.

Tweak the Humidity


Humidity levels, whether they’re high or low, can greatly impact a person’s comfort indoors. High levels can make the air feel thick and hard to breathe.

Low levels might affect your throat and sinuses by making them feel dry and scratchy. Humans are most comfortable when humidity levels fall between 40-50%.

You can measure humidity by purchasing a hygrometer and then use a dehumidifier or humidifier to achieve your preferred level before bed every night.

Sleep Is a Breeze

FanIf you’re struggling to sleep on a hot and sticky night, try using a fan to help cool your body down. The draft it creates can be just as effective at cooling your body compared to an air conditioner while using a fraction of the energy.

A fan will also circulate the air, which can be refreshing and make it easy to breathe. On top of that, fans tend to produce white noise, which can help you fall asleep quickly while masking other sounds in your home that might keep you awake.

These simple tricks are all it takes to create the ideal environment for a human body to sleep. If you try them, you might end up getting a good night’s rest and waking up refreshed more often. All it takes it a little bit of knowledge about your home’s HVAC system and you can take advantage of your appliances to get quality sleep while saving a few dollars in energy costs.