Look Out for These 3 Things When Purchasing Your Next Home

Buying a home is exciting, but it is also very nerve-wracking. It’s a big responsibility. It’s a huge investment both of your time and of your money. Understandably, taking all of this on can be overwhelming.

You can protect yourself and get peace of mind by being on the lookout for a number of items that may signal a potential problem with your prospective home. Remember, knowledge is power and lets you make an informed decision about whether to buy or to walk away and keep looking.

A Well-Insulated Home is a Good Investment

Home InsulationWith the proliferation of home décor magazines and television, the focus when looking for a house is often about the floorplan, outdoor space, and finishes.

However, there is one item that is less glamorous, but as important that you should have on your wish list: a well-insulated home.

Heating and cooling your home are among the biggest costs that you’ll carry as a homeowner. And while these bills are hefty, you can reduce them a great deal by making sure that your home is airtight.

Investigate your prospective home’s insulation. The most important areas for this protective barrier against the outdoor temps are in the attic, around the foundation, in the basement, in the garage, and on the exterior walls. Make sure that existing insulation is in place, is properly wrapped and isn’t water damaged.

You Need a Property Inspection

Home InspectionYou may be inclined to skip the property inspection, particularly if you are competing against other buyers or if the home is new. Even new homes can have problems, so a property inspection by a trained professional is an absolute must.

Not only will a property inspection help you determine if your home is structurally sound, but it will also help you be able to estimate what kind of costs you may need to take on in the next while as a homeowner. Is it worth it?

You can’t tell if a home is problem-free just by looking. There could be water damage, pest problems, structural issues, poor construction and more. You need to go beyond the walls for that.

Turn Everything On

Turning the AC onStart by checking out all the light switches. Do they work? Do any of the wall panel switches connect to a power source?

You’ll want to investigate that further because that could signal a fire hazard. Check that the furnace and the A/C are functioning.

Imagine moving into your home in the heat of summer in Winston-Salem, NC and having no A/C. Add to that you’ll need to foot the repair bill from the previous owners. It’s worth checking out beforehand.