Reasons to Clean Your Air Ducts


You may already know that you need to change your air filter every couple of months for energy efficiency and good air quality in your home, but did you know that you need to do maintenance on your air ducts as well?

To keep optimum indoor air quality in your home, you should get your ducts cleaned regularly (every 2-5 years).

There are some situations in which you should get your ducts cleaned more often. If you’ve had problems with mold growth or vermin infestation, you need a cleaning more urgently.

It’s advisable to get your ducts cleaned after renovation to remove the construction dust. Here are just a few benefits that you’ll experience with a good duct cleaning.

Reduce Your Bills

Dirty air ducts cause your system to work harder than it has to circulate that costly cool or hot air. The debris in the ducts actually impedes the airflow.

Getting your ducts cleaned removes that debris, opens a clear path for airflow and permits your unit to work most efficiently. The end result? Lower energy bills.

Bothered by Sinus Infections?

As air continues to cycle through air ducts that are dirty, particles of dust, mold and other impurities continue to circulate as well.

The particles are greater in number if your ducts are dirty. This can result in irritating your sinuses and throat.

For some people, the chronic inflammation can result in sinus infections, which are painful and very inconvenient.

Help for Asthma and Allergy Sufferers

If you’ve got asthma, you know how potentially dangerous the presence of mold, pollen and other allergens can be.

They can trigger asthma attacks. That’s why you are so aware about taking steps like shutting the windows during high pollen season and cleaning often to reduce allergens in the air.

Although cleaning the surfaces in your home is a good start, if you’ve got dirty ducts, those allergens will gather in there, still posing a problem for asthmatics and allergy sufferers as well.

Cleaning the air ducts will greatly improve air quality and make you less vulnerable.