Mark Your Calendar: Spring is Here on March 20!

spring-is-hereEverybody loves spring because it means warm weather, the sun, flowers, Easter, and that summer is just about here. But for some people, spring doesn’t just mean these wonderful things—it also marks the beginning of allergy season. And if you’ve ever had an allergic reaction to something (maybe you coughed, sneezed, or got itchy), you know how irritating it can be.

But there are ways you can keep your home safe from allergens and prevent the worst of seasonal allergy symptoms this spring, and today we’re going to talk about how.

Why Are Allergies So Bad in Spring?

During the winter, many plants enter a state of dormancy to survive the cold, the same way that bears hibernate and humans try to hide inside by a warm fire. But come spring, there are nutrients aplenty available again, and plants come back to life.

And the same way that rabbits reproduce like crazy in spring, so too do trees and other plant life reproduce (by spreading pollen). And that’s what causes most seasonal allergens: spores from molds and pollen from weeds, grasses, and trees.

But There’s no Allergen Source in the Yard. Where Is It Coming From?

pet-allergensPollen can travel many miles on the wind to get where it wants to go, and sometimes that means flying right into your house through an open door, window, or vent.

Moreover, allergens can also get into your house on both you and your pets, because pollen and other allergens stick to fur, hair, clothes, and even skin. And to make matters worse, your pets are probably starting to lose their winter coats right about now, which means they’re leaving allergen-ridden fur all over the house.

How to Turn Your Home Into an Allergy-Free Zone

closed-windowThe key to an allergy-free home is keeping your house as clean and sterile as possible. This means keeping the windows and doors closed when you can, dusting and vacuuming at least twice a week, and brushing and washing your pets often to remove pollen and other allergens from their fur. And to prevent bringing pollen in on your body or clothes, make a habit of showering and throwing your clothes in the laundry as soon as you get in from outside on high pollen days (keep an eye on the weather forecasts for pollen reports).

It’s also a good idea to install a HEPA filter on your air conditioner and other intake vents, as this will prevent pollen from sneaking in through your ventilation system. But how will you know if your plan is working? You’ll be free of all the seasonal allergy symptoms that you have come to associate with spring, such as:

  • Itchy throat
  • Congestion
  • Itchy and runny nose
  • Itchy and watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Coughing

Is the coming of spring a mixed blessing for you or an allergy sufferer in your family? Here at Blaze Air we know how bad allergy season can be in Winston-Salem, NC, and we want to help you keep your home as clean, sterile, and allergy-free as possible this spring. Give us a call today at 336-788-3322, and get a jump on your seasonal allergy symptoms.