Common AC Myths You Should Know

Chances are, you are not an air conditioning expert. In today’s digital world where information is freely and readily available, it’s easy to get your wires crossed and start believing AC myths that are not necessarily accurate.

The best way to dispel myths is by speaking to a professional and asking a lot of questions. Here are some of the most common myths you should know:

Myth: You Don’t Need a Ceiling Fan if You Have an ACceiling-fan

Truth: One of the biggest factors contributing to discomfort in the summer is still and stagnant air. If the air is moving from a ceiling fan, you will automatically feel more comfortable and cool.

Using a ceiling fan and AC system together is the ultimate comfort during hot summer days since it provides a steady flow of cool air.

Additionally, using a fan with your AC also takes some of the stress off the AC system and helps save money on your energy bill. Running a fan will allow you to turn your thermostat down at least 2 or 3 degrees without compromising the level of comfort in your home.

Myth: It’s Perfectly Fine to Change Your AC Air Filter Without Professional Help

Truth: Technically this myth has a tiny bit of truth to it. It is safe to change your own AC filter. However, you will be missing out on the numerous benefits and advantages of working with a professional. Investing in professional AC filter replacement means working with an individual who knows your AC system like the back of their own hand.

There won’t be any fussing to get the filter out or back in and the expert can examine your filter and AC system to determine if there are any potential problem areas. Getting an expert’s opinion with your filter change will save you money in the long run from unexpected repairs and inefficient operation.

thermostat-up-or-downMyth: Turning the Thermostat All the Way Up or All the Way Down will Cool Your Home Faster

Truth: When it comes to making your AC work harder and become less efficient, turning it all the way up or down will do the job. While this may seem like a good way to get the temperature at a comfortable level quickly, in reality, doing this makes the AC system work harder and longer.

If you’re looking to pay a bigger energy bill, cranking the thermostat is a good way to start. The best way to get your home back to a comfortable temperature is by setting the thermostat to the temperature you want and using your ceiling fans to help move the air and cool you down.

Myth: You Don’t Need Professional Help Unless the AC is Broken

Truth: The old adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” definitely does not apply to AC systems. Every professional will recommend annual or bi-annual AC maintenance and inspections. Not only is this a great way to prevent future unexpected repairs, but it will also help fine-tune your AC system to ensure it is working at peak efficiency. Running a safe and efficient unit will save money on your energy bill while also improving the longevity of the unit itself.

Whether you’re looking for a quick repair, annual maintenance or a new AC installation, Blaze Air has all the AC and HVAC information you need to make the right choice. Call (336) 788-3322 today for fast and efficient AC service in Winston-Salem, NC.