Time to Get Your Home Ventilated Properly

As the seasons change to the fall and winter months, it is important to ensure that your Winston-Salem home is properly ventilated to make certain that is free of potentially harmful pollutants.

Winston-Salem, NC Home-Ventilation-ServicesAn improperly ventilated home has a low air exchange with the outside environment, which can result in the buildup of contaminants — such as dust, pet dander and combustion gases from household appliances.

In addition, a tightly sealed, low ventilated home also traps moisture, which can lead to the excessive growth of mold, cause serious structural damage and even major health problems.

Natural Ventilation

One of the easiest and cheapest ways to improve air quality is to naturally ventilate your Winston-Salem home.

This ventilation method only requires you to open your doors and windows when there is a breeze blowing.

When you open the doors and windows on both sides of your house, you create an air pressure difference that creates a natural air current from one side of the house to the other side. The stale air is automatically expelled as the air current flows through your home.

Supply or Exhaust Mechanical Ventilation

This method involves using fans to either pull fresh air into your home or expel stale air and moisture from the structure. The method you use will depend on your home’s current infrastructure.

For example, if your bathrooms have exhaust fans, running them intermittently can expel the moisture and stale air that is created from using the shower and toilet — also known as the exhaust-only mechanical ventilation method.

If your home does not have strategically placed exhaust fans and air inlets, you can use the supply-only mechanical ventilation method, which involves using a fan to pull in fresh air.

The air is then dispersed throughout your house via air ducts. The stale air naturally escapes through your home’s air leakage sites, such as wiring holes and plumbing vents.

Install a Balanced Ventilation System

Instead of having only supply or exhaust fans, a balanced mechanical ventilation system has both supply and exhaust fans working simultaneously.

This method allows you to distribute fresh air where it is most needed — such as your bedroom — and expel stale air from areas that accumulate the most moisture and pollutants, such as your bathroom and kitchen.

Working with an experienced HVAC company can help you to develop a clear strategy to improve your home’s air quality in time for the fall months.

Call Blaze Air today at (336) 788-3222 to get the proper ventilation that you deserve in your Winston-Salem, NC home.