The Home Maintenance Guide For Fall

With fall and winter on the way, having a Winston-Salem home’s heating system checked will ensure everything is in good working order and that no disasters will happen when they are least expected.

Winston-Salem, NC fall_home_maintenanceBy making sure a furnace or heat pump will be working at peak efficiency throughout the season, it’s always a good idea to have a qualified HVAC technician conduct a thorough inspection to eliminate the chance of having high repair bills along with the inconvenience of a cold house on a winter night.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks

One of the most serious and potentially fatal problems that can result from a furnace, carbon monoxide leaks are some of the most common problems Winston-Salem homeowners face during the fall and winter.

Because carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas, leaks can be extremely hard to detect. However, a trained HVAC technician can examine a furnace for cracks that allow gas to escape into a home.

In addition, the technician can also examine the heating system’s vents to make sure all gases are being properly ventilated to the outside of a home.

As an added precaution, a technician can also install carbon monoxide monitors near the furnace and in other parts of a home as a means of additional protection.

Inspection of Flue System

A critical component of any furnace, the flue system should also be checked over by a technician to make sure everything is in good working order.

The technician can check to see that the flue is properly attached to the furnace, whether it has any dislocated sections, and if there are any signs of corrosion.

If any problems happen to be found, they can be repaired or replaced as needed. By doing so, a home maintenance disaster can be avoided.

Control Box, Wiring, and Connections

Along with carbon monoxide leaks and flue system problems, one of the most common and dangerous situations for furnaces involves problems with the system’s electrical components such as the control box, connections, and other wiring.

On older models, wiring that may be decades old should be examined and replaced if needed to minimize the risk of an electrical fire.

In addition, the furnace’s control box should be checked for any deficiencies and have the necessary repairs made as soon as possible. By having a trained HVAC technician inspect a home heating system, these and other fall home maintenance disasters can be avoided.

Remember to keep up with a regular maintenance schedule. Call Blaze Air at (336) 788-3222 to get your Winston-Salem, NC home inspected.