Now is the Time to Handle Your Indoor Air Pollution

Winston-Salem Air QualityThe air quality inside a home is often more problematic than the air quality outside, even in metropolitan areas.

The sources of the pollution are varied; from pet dander, to dust, to chemicals and smoke.


Ventilation is extremely important in the fight against air pollution. Make sure to run exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms especially, to ward off smoke from cooking and chemicals from hairspray or nail polish.

Change furnace filters regularly and make sure to open windows on a regular basis. Avoid using pesticide spray in the house by sealing food containers and critter entrances to keep the pests out in the first place.

Make Cleaning Count

Dust harbors a huge amount of pollutants, from mites to pet dander. Dust furniture regularly with an electrostatic-ally charged duster and vacuum with a low-emissions vacuum or one that uses a HEPA filter.

Make sure to vacuum high-traffic areas more often and use a hose-equipped vacuum to get corners. Wash sheets and other linens in hot water and if possible, encase them in anti-dust covers.

Use a microfiber mop to clean hard floors. These new style mops only require hot water, not polluting chemicals.

Deal With Humidity

Keep humidity around the 30 to 50 percent level. Higher than that and dust mites and mold have a great place to thrive. Use a dehumidifier during cooler months and an air conditioner during the summer months.

Other ways to control humidity include using exhaust fans, fixing any leaky plumbing, not overwatering house plants and venting the clothes dryer to the outside.

Eliminate Odors

Winston-Salem Indoor PollutionWork on eliminating odors, not masking them. Items such as candles, incense and chemical air fresheners all add to air pollution.

Instead, use an air cleaner in areas that are prone to odors and use baking soda to freshen pet odors. Keep windows open or cracked in these areas as well.

There are a myriad of other seemingly innocuous air freshening items that contribute to pollution.

Laundry soap, air fresheners, dryer sheets and most aerosol items contain chemicals, oils and gasses that contribute to air pollution.

Another way to help eliminate odors and improve air quality is to keep houseplants such as the snake plant or aloe vera. These plants actually absorb pollutants and release fresh air.

The final tip is to always avoid smoking inside the house. Cigarette odors are among the most difficult smells to remove from walls and furnishings.

Make sure you’re breathing in the fresh air in your Winston-Salem home. Call Blaze Air Heating & Air Conditioning at (336) 788-3322, and get the experts to solve the problem.