Time to Take a Deep Breathe of Fresh Air

Winston-Salem Air Quality ServicesAfter the frigid temperatures of winter, most people long for the arrival of spring. They welcome sunny skies and warm weather with open arms. But for many people spring means the onset of misery, also known as allergy season.

The pollen and other allergens that dominate the air during spring cause those who suffer with allergies to experience itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, sinus problems, and more.

There are a number of prescription and over-the-counter medications available to treat the symptoms of allergies. However, it is always best to minimize exposure to pollen and other allergens as much as possible.

No one can really control the amounts they are exposed to outdoors, but you can definitely control exposure inside your own home. Here are a few ways to allergy-proof your home this spring.

Keep Out!

To reduce the amount of pollen and other allergens that make it into your home, keep the outside air outside. Keep windows and doors closed.

Although you may be tempted to let in some of that fresh spring air, if you have allergies then it isn’t so fresh after all. If it gets too warm inside your home, turn on the air conditioning. Turning on fans or opening windows will stir up allergens.

Change That Filter

Your air conditioning unit has a filter that will keep pollen and other allergens from getting inside it and circulating through your home.

However, this filter can’t work properly if it is in need of being replaced. Always check your filter. If you are exceptionally sensitive to allergens, a HEPA, or high-efficiency particulate air, filter is recommended.

Start Fresh

Winston-Salem Allergy ProofIf you have an older HVAC unit, it may not filter the outside air as effectively. This could be due to the design of the unit or just plain wear and tear.

A newer unit will not only cool your home more efficiently this Spring, but it will also keep pollen and other allergens out.

Those who suffer with allergies during the spring know that pollen and other allergens can be very hard to get away from.

But your home should be a place of comfort, even during allergy season. The air inside your home should be clean and allergy-free, and it can be.

Constantly sneezing in your Winston-Salem home? Call Blaze Air Heating & Air Conditioning at (336) 788-3322 today, and breathe in the fresh air.